
College of Aeronautics and Engineering Faculty and Students Get Creative with Coursework

College of Aeronautics and Engineering Faculty and Students Get Creative with Coursework

We’ve all been outside of our comfort zone adapting to life avoiding COVID-19. While working and studying remotely was an adjustment, College of Aeronautics and Engineering (CAE) faculty and students are having fun by creating innovative ways to teach, learn and show off their skills.

Students in CAE’s Introduction to Unmanned Aircraft Systems class were tasked with designing an obstacle course and parameters to complete the path as quickly and safely as possible.

“I knew these students wanted to fly and gets a hands-on experience despite being off campus,” said George Armann, faculty lecturer for the UAS course. “I just had to find a way to keep their spirits up.”

Armann decided incorporating students’ families to strengthen their skills as UAV pilots would help students stay engaged and have fun.

“This took me so many attempts that the dog got disinterested in the cookie by the end,” said UAS student Jack Moloney. “I hope you have as much fun watching this as it was to make.”

Several student UAV videos can be found on and on the CAE home page.

“I was impressed to see how much time students spent working on the UAV course and the variety of obstacles they designed to demonstrate their skills as remote pilots in command,” Armann added.

POSTED: Saturday, May 2, 2020 09:51 AM
Updated: Friday, December 9, 2022 11:35 AM