
Men's Health: Webinar

Thursday, 26 September, 2024 -
12:00 pm to 1:00 pm

Research shows that men deal with health issues and disease differently from women. In addition, men face serious diseases that are unique to them. Many men avoid dealing with health in a proactive way. They end up suffering from symptoms that could have been either treated or avoided in the first place. Join Be Well Solutions for a frank and open discussion about diseases impacting men and strategies to help take men and the people that love them take control of their health. Topics to be discussed include:
1. Statistics on health issues impacting men
2. Suffering in Silence: Why men avoid health issues
3. How to be a good medical consumer
4. The power of diet, nutrition, exercise, and fitness
5. Sexual health
6. Emotional health and wellbeing

Full-time, benefit eligible employees will receive 10 Tier 2 points.