
Graduate Sustainability Courses

ARCH 67510 Sustainable Building Construction I First course of a two-course sequence. Provides an in-depth survey of design, pre- and post-construction activities pertinent to Green Building and Sustainable Design of the Built environment. Reviews fundamental concepts and principles of sustainable building design and construction with special emphasis on construction site issues. Provides a comprehensive review of impact of site on construction and building design on the site and its resources. Focus is on understanding the role building design and construction play on resources efficiency and minimizing the impact of construction activities on the environment.
ARCH 67511 Sustainable Building Construction II Second course of a two-course sequence. Provides an in-depth survey of design, pre- and post-construction activities pertinent to Green Building and Sustainable Design of the Built environment. Reviews fundamental concepts and principles of sustainable building design and construction with special emphasis on building systems. Provides a comprehensive review of impact of building component, materials, and systems on design and construction of High-performance buildings. Focus is on understanding the role building design and construction play on resources efficiency and minimizing the impact of construction activities on the environment.
ARCH56995 Human Considerations in Sustainable Design Special topics in architecture.
ARCH66995 Advanced Building Energy Systems Special topics in architecture.
BSCI 50375/70375 Environmental Biology and Management  The course teaches aspects of applied environmental biology, including habitat management methods, restoration ecology, sustainable use of natural resource, and public policy.  
ENG 67591/77591 Ecocriticism Seminar In-depth study of important topics in contemporary theory and criticism. 
GEOG 41066-51066-71066 Climate Change and Its Impacts Examination of the evidence and causes of climate change and how this data is assessed. Past, present and future impacts of climate change and variability are discussed, along with policy implications.
GEOG 41073 Conservation of Natural Resources Evaluation of past and current problems associated with the management of natural resources and the environments associated with their utilization.
GEOG 51074/71074 Resource Geography Considers the relationship between culture and resource availability and distribution, including environmental, social, political and economic impacts.
GEOG 21195/41195/71195 ST URBAN SUSTAINABILITY Special topics in environmental geography.
GEOG 51195/71195 Global Environmental Issues This course examines the ethical and philosophical foundations of environmental belief systems and explores the Earth鈥檚 environment and its opportunities, constraints, and risks.
GEOL 40095/50095 ST Urban Hydrology In this course we will investigate the science and management of water in cities and built environments. We will approach the subject from an interdisciplinary perspective, integrating hydrology, geology, biology, architecture/engineering, and the social sciences.  As an advanced hydrology class we will work on building skills in hydrologic data analysis. We will analyze real, complex data sets from Cleveland and elsewhere and we will read and discuss journal articles focused on water problems and solutions in cities.
SPED 53311 DHH Students with Special Needs IEP and transition planning strategies and program content for deaf/hard-of-hearing students w/ADHD, BD, DD, VI, DB, LD, CMI, TBI, chronically health impaired/medically fragile, gifted. Curriculum and lesson development and adaptation for impacted areas.
SPED 53313 Literacy Assessment and Intervention for DHH Students  Theoretical overview of integrated linguistics curriculum and reading theories. Strategies to address DHH difficulties and barriers, instructional planning and materials design, and ongoing assessment strategies. Course includes a practicum placement.
TECH 61095  Fuel Cell Technology and Engineering Study of special topics in technology including technological tours offered irregularly as interest and opportunities permit.