
Read-in Puts Ban on Banned Books

Third annual read-in, open-mic event draws attention to importance of challenging banned books
Senior communication studies major Jaelyn Brown at the 2023 Read-In
Senior communication studies major Jaelyn Brown

ā€œā€˜If Monday was a color, sheā€™d be red...ā€™ā€

»ĘÉ«Ö±²„ senior communication studies major Jaelyn Brownā€™s voice echoed across the room as she read from her selected banned book, ā€œMondayā€™s Not Comingā€ by Tiffany D. Jackson.    

With the anticipation of each reader that followed, the room fell silent, eager to soak in the challenged works specifically chosen for this evening.    

The third annual Read-In @ »ĘÉ«Ö±²„ was held on Sept. 27, in Taylor Hall. This open-mic event gave students, faculty, staff and alumni the opportunity to read excerpts from or speak briefly about banned and challenged books that are important to them.  

Director of the Womenā€™s Center, Cassandra Pegg-Kirby, at the 2023 Read-In
Director of the Womenā€™s Center Cassandra Pegg-Kirby

Director of the Womenā€™s Center, Cassandra Pegg-Kirby, approached the microphone dressed as Offred from ā€œThe Handmaidā€™s Taleā€ by Margaret Atwood. Before Pegg-Kirby began reading, she reflected on the novel and her perspective on banned books.  

ā€œIf someone doesnā€™t want you to know something, itā€™s probably the first thing you should look at,ā€ Pegg-Kirby said.  

The Read-In offered a free pizza dinner, a literary character costume contest, prizes, and a greater awareness of our right to choose what we read.  

The hosts of the event, Stephanie Smith, professional-in-residence in the School of Media and Journalism, and Paul Haridakis, Ph.D., director of the School of Communication Studies, sprinkled words of wisdom and empowerment throughout the evening.  

ā€œThe biggest thing that we want you to take away from tonight is this is just the foundation,ā€ Haridakis said. ā€œWe hope that all of you talk with each other, disagree with each other and really carry this spirit forward.ā€

Smith chimed in, encouraging attendants to lean into their First Amendment rights.

ā€œThe one thing I would ask of you is to stand up for your rights,ā€ Smith said. ā€œYour right to read is a fundamental right, it is a revolutionary right.ā€

After Haridakis and Smithā€™s powerful words on banned books, students were led in singing Woody Guthrie's American folk song ā€œThis Land Is Your Landā€ by David Hassler, director of Wick Poetry Center; Scott McPherson, former director of Choral Studies at »ĘÉ«Ö±²„; and Kate Grigg, a music director from a community church. This version was unlike the one many people sang in elementary school years ago because this version included verses in it that had been banned; those verses challenged the idea that this land was made for everyone and set an entirely new tone to the song.  

The singing of this song put the spotlight on the themes that ideas, and ideas that challenge us, should not be banned. These focal points were apparent throughout the evening.  

2023 Read In

ā€œI think that we need to continue to have diversity of thought and diversity of ideas, and banning books limits what kind of literature we can access,ā€ said Jessie Starkey, a political science junior and director of governmental affairs for Undergraduate Student Government.

As the evening went on it was apparent that the students in the room were just as passionate as the faculty and staff members who put on the event.  

ā€œI feel that itā€™s really important to advocate for the importance of literature and knowledge and encouraging it instead of destroying it,ā€ said Olivia Eader, a senior in environmental studies and English, and director of academic affairs for Undergraduate Student Government.

As the evening died down and guests trickled out, murmurs of ā€œThis Land Is Your Landā€ trickled out of the building and down the steps of Taylor Hall.    

ā€œWhen it comes to kids' books and books for teens itā€™s important that people have access to information. Itā€™s important to peopleā€™s development and learning to think for themselves,ā€ Jo Wilson, library science graduate, said. ā€œThatā€™s what brought me out here today.ā€  


This event was sponsored by the School of Communication Studies, the Department of Africana Studies, the Flash Activities Board, the »ĘÉ«Ö±²„ LGBTQ+ Center, the May 4 Visitors Center, the Reinberger Childrenā€™s Library Center, the iSchool, the School of Peace and Conflict Studies, University Libraries and the Wick Poetry Center.

To learn more about Banned Books Week, visit and .

All photos courtesy of Ryan Moore, ā€˜24

POSTED: Friday, September 29, 2023 01:21 PM
Updated: Sunday, October 1, 2023 04:41 PM
Maddie Goerl, Flash Communications