
Procedures and Criteria for Merit awards Department of Psychological Sciences (Revised Fall 2016)

Faculty Excellence Awards are established pursuant to the applicable CBA.  Procedures and timelines for determining Faculty Excellence Awards for any given year shall be conducted in accordance with guidelines issued by the Office of the Provost. 

The purpose of these procedures and criteria are to document and evaluate the activities of Faculty to determine eligibility for Faculty Excellence Awards.  The major categories of research, teaching and service are divided into subcategories in order to organize the presentation of information by faculty and to facilitate the evaluation by the FAC and Chair.  The subcategories are the following:

Research (50% of merit award pool)

  1.  publications (12)
  2.  grants (8)
  3.  invited presentations (1) 

Teaching (30% of merit award pool)

  1. undergraduate classroom teaching (7)
  2. graduate teaching (5)
  3. theses, dissertations &  individual supervision (2)

Service (20% of merit award pool)

  1. professional service (3)
  2. departmental, college, university and community service (7)

The information to be provided in each subcategory is described in the following pages.  Each Faculty member's activity in each subcategory will be evaluated by the FAC and Chair and will be rated according to the following five-point scale:

  0 = no activity in the subcategory;

  1 = minimal activity and/or low quality activity;

  2 = some activity of meritorious quality, typical performance;

  3 = very good activity of clearly meritorious quality, above average;

  4 = considerable activity of highly meritorious quality.

These ratings will be multiplied by a weighting factor (indicated in parentheses above and noted  in the descriptions to follow) and summed within each major category in order to determine each Faculty's rating in that category.  The FAC then will discuss their ratings in order to determine a final combined rank ordering in each major category.

Faculty are requested to submit information on their "brag sheets" listed by the subcategories in the order listed in typed form for the period under review.  Information that is not presented in the form prescribed and in an organized manner will not be considered.

To qualify for an award in any of the three major categories (research, teaching or service) faculty must meet a threshold of adequate performance in all of the categories (research, teaching and service), as determined by the FAC. 

Approved by faculty 11/2/16