

Operational procedures and regulations regarding videotapes, films and slide presentations

  1. All requests for videotapes, films, or slide presentations covered by this rule shall be reviewed by the university video/slide review committee.
  2. Cost estimates for videotapes and slide presentations are written by the instructional resources center, teleproductions and/or AV services, respectively.
Policy Effective Date:
Sep 21, 2024


Operational procedures and regulations regarding use of automobiles owned or leased by the university

  1. University-owned vehicles assigned to a department shall be used only for official university business.
  2. Only university employees are permitted to drive motor vehicles owned or leased by the university. Students are not permitted to drive a university owned vehicle unless specific authorization is granted by the department head.
  3. All persons driving motor vehicles owned or leased by the university must hold a valid driver's license in the state of Ohio or in the state in which the operator resides.
Policy Effective Date:
Sep 21, 2024


Operational procedures and regulations regarding schedule of use and closed periods for buildings of the university

  1. Purpose. The university strives to provide a safe and secure environment and to meet the educational and professional needs of students and employees. Toward this end, these procedures establish open and closed periods for university property, provide for extension of open periods, and prescribe conditions under which persons may use closed facilities.
  2. Scope.
Policy Effective Date:
Sep 21, 2024


Operational procedures and regulations regarding sales

  1. Purpose. Any registered student organization or university department wishing to engage in sales or fund raising on campus shall contact the center for student involvement ("CSI") to obtain a university sales permit. CSI will evaluate the sales request based on the purpose of the activity and the overall financial structure of the organization.
  2. Criteria.
Policy Effective Date:
Sep 21, 2024


Administrative policy regarding rest periods for university employees

  1. It is recognized and customary for supervisors to grant rest periods to employees as a brief pause in their work routine to care for whatever personal needs necessary.
  2. In an attempt to standardize this privilege throughout the university, the following suggestions are made:
    1. Rest periods should not exceed fifteen minutes during the morning and again in the afternoon.
    2. Rest periods should be carefully scheduled by the supervisor to insure that business activities are not curtailed.
Policy Effective Date:
Sep 21, 2024


Operational procedures and regulations regarding release of name and address listings

  1. Procedures for release of name and address listings from computer services.
    1. Any individual wishing to request rosters, labels or listings of university students, faculty, staff or associates from computer services should go to the appropriate sponsoring agency to secure an approval form.
Policy Effective Date:
Sep 21, 2024


Operational procedures and regulations regarding posting

  1. General posting procedure. The following procedures must be met in order to post on university bulletin boards. The facility curator is responsible for identifying the specific purpose of bulletin boards under their purview. Any posting not fulfilling the following requirements will be removed from the bulletin board by a member of the staff. All bulletin boards will be cleared at the end of every semester.
    1. One poster per bulletin board is permitted.
    2. The name of the organization sponsoring the poster must be clearly visible.
Policy Effective Date:
Sep 21, 2024
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