

Administrative review of academic administrative officers

  1. General goals of an administrative review.
    1. Gauge accomplishment. A proper review requires the officer to make a thorough self-evaluation, as well as a program assessment, highlighting accomplishments, problems, solutions, and prognoses for future operations.
    2. Display success. The review affords an opportunity for focusing the university's attention on the real successes of the administrator's tenure.
Policy Effective Date:
Sep 21, 2024


Administrative policy regarding web publishing

  1. Introduction. This policy applies to all Kent state university web sites and web pages that are available generally through the worldwide web or the internet. This policy applies to all web pages and sites except those:
    1. primarily intended for instruction or research;
    2. primarily used in support of student, faculty or staff organizations; and
    3. personal web sites.
  2. Procedural standards.
Policy Effective Date:
Sep 21, 2024


Administrative policy regarding volunteers

  1. Policy statement. Individuals who volunteer their time and expertise to the university provide an important service and help further the mission of teaching, research and public service.  In turn, volunteers gain valuable experiences and a sense of personal satisfaction.  This policy is intended to help promote a productive, safe and mutually beneficial environment for volunteers and for the university by setting appropriate expectations and clarifying roles and responsibilities.
  2. Eligibility.
Policy Effective Date:
Sep 21, 2024


Administrative policy regarding naming opportunities

  1. Policy statement. Kent state university may name facilities and academic programs in order to recognize donors who make gifts that significantly advance the university's ability to carry out its instruction, research and public-service missions. 
  2. Scope. This policy applies to all naming opportunities involving facilities and endowments meeting the minimum levels of support throughout the eight-campus system of Kent state university as provided for in rule 3342-5-13 of the Administrative Code.
  3. Definition.
Policy Effective Date:
Sep 21, 2024


Administrative policy regarding videotapes, films and slide presentations

  1. Policy. All videos, films and slide presentations that are developed primarily for external public relations purposes and are presented as a production of Kent state university must be reviewed by the university video/slide review committee. It is not the intent of this rule to include those videos, films and slide presentations whose primary purpose is related to instruction, research or scholarship, or the professional activities of faculty, students and staff of Kent state university.
  2. Policy.
Policy Effective Date:
Sep 21, 2024


Administrative policy regarding event registration and use of university facilities and grounds

  1. Purpose. This policy serves to provide the administrative process for event registration of university facilities and grounds, as well as the conditions under which unregistered, non-exclusive use of university grounds may be permitted. Each regional campus shall comply with this rule as it may apply to event registration and use of its facilities and/or grounds.
  2. Scope.
Policy Effective Date:
Sep 21, 2024


Administrative policy regarding use of purchasing card (p-card)

  1. Purpose. Usage of purchasing cards (P-cards) reduces the paperwork generated for purchases and facilitates more timely payments to vendors, thus streamlining the purchasing and payment process. This policy provides the framework for the university P-card program, the procedures for which are documented in the university P-card manual.
  2. Definitions.
Policy Effective Date:
Sep 21, 2024


Administrative policy regarding unclassified hourly employees

  1. Policy statement. From time to time, it is necessary for Kent state university to hire unclassified hourly employees to provide services essential to the proper maintenance and successful and continuous operation of the university. These position serve at the pleasure of the appointment authority as designated by the president of the university.
  2. Definitions.
    1. Unclassified hourly employee.
Policy Effective Date:
Sep 21, 2024
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